By Jim Naughton
A regrettable Team Yankee tendency to hand-wave the difficulty of introducing new systems in the middle of a come-as-you-are war has been reinforced by NATO FORCES, the latest offering in the World War III-Team Yankee universe. The source of this is apparently customer pressure to jump into ‘90s technology to counter the appearance of Soviet ERA. Where once tanks immune to defensive fire were the sole province of NATO players, now the Soviets had them too.
So Battlefront has introduced several upgraded missiles as retrofits to the existing lists. The problem is that some of these missiles were the output of several years of research only made possible by the compromise of Soviet KONTAKT-1 technology following the end of the Cold War. Others would require retrofit of surviving combat vehicles with new launchers, and the last would require missiles to be sent back to the United States to return a couple of months later – missiles that already were in critically short supply.
I want to clarify what actually existed in 1985, and show how unlikely these changes were. Players with a historical bent can choose to have ‘mutual and balanced forces’ based on actual 1985 technology.