Tanks The Modern Age

Right now, you can play a lot of rulesets: every history age, from chariot warfare to modern skirmish, sci-fi, and fantasy, any scale from 6 mm to 1/48. However, if you are an “aged” wargamer in his thirties or forties, you’ll probably have been looking for a ruleset to play with younger players. They could be those teenager guys at the club still playing Warhammer 40K and lingering on something deeper or different, or your own kids who’ve seen you playing obscure rulesets like so difficult to understand when you don’t know exactly what is happening on the table, but still wanting to “play with daddy”.

Tanks: The Modern Age (TMA) is a really good solution. It’s a fast, inexpensive set of rules (24 Dollars or 23 Euros) for tactical skirmishes. You can play almost everywhere since it needs a relatively small surface, and you can reuse your Team Yankee vehicles (or FOW ones, if you prefer the original Tanks, set in WW2 – the rules are pretty the same). Most importantly, you can teach the rules in 15 minutes even to your grandmother in law.

Team Yankee User Content: The Turkish Army

With the release of Oil Wars,  the new book for just about to be spoiled in about a week we here at NDNG want to give you another force to use with this new release. Manning the southern and eastern most flank of NATO sits the Turkish army, ready to fight against the USSR. However alongside this threat the Turkish nations sits near other hot-spots of the mid 1980’s. Turkey also borders the nations of Iraq and Iran, two nations that are represented in the new Oil Wars book.

US Flames of War Tournament Trends

by Tom Burgess

It always amazed me how many comments I have heard over the last year or so about the “collapse” of the US tournament scene. For sure, Flames of War (FOW) tournament play has declined with Version 4, along with other factors. And though I’m sure FOW has completely dried up in some areas, overall I never felt that the situation was particularly as dire as many have portrayed.

So I did some research to get some actual numbers beyond my own or other’s personal perspectives. Fortunately, US tournament data for the last several years can be easily pulled off of the website, to include its predecessor’s Ranking HQ data. I will share here the data for what its worth. I’ll offer my opinions with it, but I encourage all to make up there own minds on what it all means for the current state and future of the game and our community.

Intelligence Preparation of the FOW Battlefield

By Chris Jackson

When a military staff at any level receives a mission from their higher headquarters, one of the first things they work on is an Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB). This process defines the battlefield in terms of area, effects of the terrain, and how the terrain and the enemy will affect the ability of the unit to accomplish its assigned mission.

It provides the commander and staff a framework to determine how they will accomplish the mission by defining what decisions the commander needs to make about where to allocate his resources and what signs from the enemy to look for that indicate his intentions. Units are then assigned tasks based on these decisions and the process begins at the next lower headquarters.

First Annual Pea Bowl Recap

Story and photos By Justin Rodriguez

The first Annual Pea Bowl was held at Pea Soup Anderson’s Restaurant in the heart of Santa Barbara Wine Country; the restaurant is located in the city of Buellton, California just a short drive north of the city of Santa Barbara. The event was originally imagined as a Team Yankee tournament and evolved into a general games day. Games of DBA, Flames of War and HG Wells’ Little Wars were hosted in addition to the Team Yankee tournament. The event was a success and I am glad to have accomplished hosting an event in my local area as I normally have to travel substantial distances to attend any gaming events.

Fall In 2018 Event Coverage: Team Yankee

By Dennis Campbell AKA Matt Varnish

Photos by the Author

Fall-In 2018 No Dice No Glory put on a Team Yankee tournament as part of the Iron Man competition (best combined score between Flames and Team Yankee)    In between going to buy un-necessary armies at the vendor hall, I took a Metric TONNE of pics for you guys (metric…Canadian Joke)    Also, we ended up having EACH NATION represented, including the Free-loader Nations!


Kurt Reese’s beautiful Soviet army.    Taking BTRs freed up the points to let him take 12 artillery!

Armored Brigade or How I Now Get My Team Yankee Fix between Games

By Bill White

Sometimes at NDNG we like to hear from our readers and today Bill White has provided us with his review of Armored Brigade, and new release by the folks at Slitherine/Matrix Games. Armored Brigade is a PC game that puts you in the role of a NATO or Warsaw Pact commander whose mission is to reach the Rhine in 7 days or blunt the WP forces from rolling over West Germany. The game has multiple nations in which you can play and even includes the forces of the non-aligned Finns. You can find the game and check out the special offer we have at the end of this article.

Painting Canadian Infantry, the Proper Way

By Robert Kelly

follow up to :  and .

As I am all about Canadian subjects in gaming and modelling I could hardly wait for my Canadian infantry to arrive in the mail. In fact, I ordered three platoons.

I opened the blisters up with Matt Varnish looking on. We were both quite impressed with the inserted guide that showed the painted troops and how to base them. The moulding was for the most part quite good and the sculpts were of Battlefront’s usual high quality.

TY: The British Army of The Rhine Part 2

By Paolo Paglianti
Photos by the author

By Paolo Paglianti

In September 2017, I decided to paint a new “modern” army for Team Yankee. This is Part 2 of a report about my experience and my “ideas” after a full year of tournaments in North Italy and a campaign at my club.

Formation 2

The second Formation is the Mech Infantry. British foot has a really good Assualt and Counterattack value (actually, the best in the game, with 3/3), so they can hunt down even the best Russian Afghani infantry, as well the US or West German one. Their units are really big, and with the “missed” rules you can divert the enemy fire on the bases you need less. The basic Infantry unit comes with 4 general infantry bases, other 3 with Carl Gustav (AT 17 will cast fear in any armoured vehicles, except US Abrams and West German Leo 2). The mortar is a good for some handy smoke or as a swapper to save more useful bases.