Tournament Report Team Yankee at Fabricators Forge
By Howard West
The located near Pittsburgh, PA hosted a Tournament on September 12th, 2021 The Fabricators Forge is a a hybrid gaming club / store that is funded by members and aspires to be the premium place to play all types of tabletop games in Western PA. They opened in 2021 and this was the first Team Yankee tournament that Dom and Josh hosted.
In October 2021 they will be hosting a Flames of War Tournament and a follow-up Team Yankee Tournament.
Tournament Info:
In my previous article on Team Yankee Analytics V2, I mentioned how some tournament organizers (TO) will provide the missions for the tournament, who the Attacker or Defender might be and that the points may vary per round. For this tournament TO provided the entrants with the following information: 95 points, 2fFormations max, 3 rounds, NATO vs PACT where possible or Swiss Parings for the remainder. The April 2021 More Missions Book was used, with the extended mission matrix. Players will pick any stance for each round. Fourteen players played in this tournament. Of which Six where Soviet or Red Players and Eight where NATO or Blue players for each round.

My Army for Team Yankee at Fabricators Forge
Below is a my list Soviet Army List that I used. For those of you have read my previous Battle Reports or Tournament Reports on NO DICE NO GLORY, I said I was going to play my Bradley Company for the next two years. I knew we would be short Soviet or Warsaw Pact players and wanted to try and balance the sides. So I decided to play one of my favorite lists a Soviet BMP list.
Over the last several months on the Team Yankee and the Team Yankee Unofficial Facebook groups there has been a lot of discussion on what stance do you pick and did you attack or defend and what mission did you ended up playing. I updated our typical player tournament form to add the stance that the players picked and what was the mission played for each round.
Stances Picked Each Round
For this tournament we had 14 players, that will give us 14 stances each round, the chart below shows the break down of the stances picked for each round.
Soviet and Warsaw Pact Stances Picked Each Round:
For this tournament we had 6 Soviet and Warsaw Pact Players and 8 NATO Players. With the data collected, the next logical question is how did this break down by factions.
NATO Stances Picked Each Round:
Missions Played:
Analysis of Stances and Missions:
For this tournament we ended up with 21 games played and 14 different missions played. We really do not have enough data for a trend. I should be able to collect another data set at our upcoming October 16th, 2021 Tournament at the Forge. When playing my Soviet BMP Battalion I normally pick an Attack Stance, I think for the next tournament I will probably try at least several maneuver stances, with the hope of getting the NATO player to be a little more mobile. This might enable me to get a few more run and gun missions for my BMP battalion.

Final Tournament Results:
Our first tournament at turned out really well and we look forward to working with Dom and Josh for future tournaments. It was also nice seeing some of our gaming buds who we have not been able to see over the past 18 months. It was also really nice having as many Red vs Blue matchups that we did. I had three good games against three nice opponents. Looking forward to our October 16th, 2021 Tournament.
Also Thanks to Dom and Josh from for hosting our event.