No Dice No Glory Episode 40: Tactics Talk-Fortress Europe

Tactics talk is back! North American FoW champ is back with Ian Birdwell and they talk all about the Fortress Europe book.

3 thoughts on “No Dice No Glory Episode 40: Tactics Talk-Fortress Europe”

  1. It tickles me how BF say its an easy way for new V4 MW players to get into V4 LW , they seem to have left out the bit that they would need a load more stuff , because of the pts drop !!!!!

    As for the Churchill list that should have a special rule , they can’t have any Fireflys in any Sherman troops taken .

    1. i think the addition of the Firefly as an option for platoon swaps will help the list make headway vs other tank formations, the AT10 of the Churchill just isnt… good enough to reliably punch much, and the 4+ fp makes it even harder to finish off those it does pen.

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