WWIII Team Yankee – NATO Forces Book – The Canadians
By Robert Kelly
Wow. All I can say is that almost anything Canadian that one could have wished for in the new Nato Forces book that was not in the first book is in the new edition. Christmas will be early this year as Santa’s elves in New Zealand read everyone’s wish lists and granted most of those wishes.
Canadian Airborne Regiment, Cougar, Grizzly, Leopard 2, Iltis, Tow Under Armour (TUA), ERYX, long-barreled M109s, Twin Huey and the Coyote. About the only things missing are the Leopard C2 (with and without Mexas armour), the L5 pack howitzer and the Chinook helicopter.
For extra flavour the book allows you the option of fighting with lists for 4 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group (CMBG) in Germany or forces in Canada (Force Mobile Command) defending against a Red Dawn scenario with an invasion of Canada starting on the west coast in British Columbia.