Tournament Report Team Yankee at Fabricators Forge

By Howard West

The located near Pittsburgh, PA hosted a Tournament on September 12th, 2021  The Fabricators Forge is a a hybrid gaming club / store that is funded by members and aspires to be the premium place to play all types of tabletop games in Western PA. They opened in 2021 and this was the first Team Yankee tournament that Dom and Josh hosted.

In October 2021 they will be hosting a Flames of War Tournament and a follow-up Team Yankee Tournament.


By Howard West

The premise behind is a miniatures wargame from Battlefront Miniatures is to be able to re-fight the battles of the Cold War that did not really happen. If you define the Cold War that did not happen as armed conflict between the Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact Allies versus the NATO countries of Western Europe and the United States and Canada. Then the Cold War did not happen. The 1980s and into the early 1990s it was not a peaceful time, as various armed conflicts existed thru out the time frame of the Team Yankee Rule set. With Version 2 of Team Yankee 15 countries armed forces are represented covering some of the major countries of the Middle East, Soviet Union and the three largest Warsaw Pact Allies, and the six larger countries NATO.

Many of the 15 countries covered under Team Yankee V2 participated in the following wars or armed conflicts: The 1982 War in Lebanon, The Iran and Iraq War, The Soviet Afghan War, The Falklands War, The First Persian Gulf War. Some of the wars that occurred before the 1980s are also covered by Battle Front Miniatures in their and rules sets. So at the minimum the time frame covered by Team Yankee was at least pretty warm if not hot.

Team Yankee Analytics V2

By Howard West

On January 22nd, 2021  was published on No Dice No Glory the premise behind the article was the question: can a person who plays a miniatures war game use some basic data collection to keep track of your performance in tournament play and over a time period improve your tournament results based on previous tournament games?

The original article had data from 50 tournament games from the summer of 2018 thru August 2020, V2 adds 34 more tournament games thru August 2021.

So what is new in V2?

When was published on in January 2021, I received quite a few comments and e-mails asking me did I have data on the types of Tank Teams encountered and what types of Air Units where players using. I have added charts for both Tank and Air Units that players used. I also added the new missions from the Team Yankee Extended Missions Matrix that I have played.

2021 Team Yankee Masters

By Howard West

Team Yankee 2021 Masters was held at located on 8796 Michigan Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46268 on June 26th and 27th, 2021. Family Time Games is a really nice gaming store and has a nice stock of both Flames of War and Team Yankee products. They also stock many other Boardgames, RPG’s, Miniatures, Cards, and other Gaming supplies. Stop and visit the store if you are in the greater Indianapolis area.

Team Yankee Masters is an invitation-only event hosted by each year in June for the top sixteen players as ranked by Battle Rankings in the United States and Canada.  The rankings are based on players placements in various Team Yankee Tournaments across the country during that years season. The Team Yankee tournament season runs from May 1st previous year to April 31 of the current year.  Formal invitations where mailed out to the qualifiers in early May. The 2021 Team Yankee Masters Tournament was sponsored by , Family Time Games, and

3D printing the props of your Team Yankee / Flames of War bases

By Paolo Paglianti

I really like to have custom bases for my miniatures, as you can see and read here (), here () and here (), I normally try to have small dioramas for my Flames of War or Team Yankee infantry teams. When I began painting my new Iraq army, and I come to the three platoons infantry formation, I wanted something different. One of the three platoons would fight on rocky ground, the same I used for my “Sicilian” bases for my British WW2 Paras. Some great inspirations come from my friend Luca Papisca and his US bases!

For the other two platoons, I chose an “urban street” scenario and a “rural village” scenario, using my new 3D Resin Printer (). I think 3d Printing is a true revolution in modeling and in our hobby: not only because you can print the tanks you need, but especially since you can “create” almost everything you want, you just need some creativity.

Charge of the light attack company – IDF WW3 TY Force Building

By John Meier

For many days scrolling through the official WW3 Team Yankee Facebook page, I’ve seen many people ask how to play Israel from the oil War book. Many problems that Israel has are low anti-tank and no spearhead unit unless you take a tank formation. Another problem I’ve seen from lists posted or from watching battle reports is that Israeli players don’t take the Pereh ATGM or if they do take it they don’t target anything but tanks.

So the best way I’ve found to play Oil War Israeli is the infantry company. Players get four Galil Assault Rifle teams, three FN Mag team “machine gun” all of these come with LAW AT, one mortar team, 3 RPG teams, one Dragon team, and finally 5 m113 transport with three 50cal shots and two 30cal shots most machine guns on a transport you can find. Their soft stats are fearless vets. Players rally on 3s, last stand on 3s, and counterattack on 3s. Assaulting into a platoon is not advised, for 11 points players get a great objective holder and you have enough stands so take an objective if you need to.

PGH vs VA Team Yankee Team Challenge

By Howard West

Creative Pursuit Games (CPG) located in Leesburg; VA hosted the PGH vs VA Team Yankee Team Challenge. The Team Challenge event was held on April 17th and 18th, 2021. CPG has been hosting small gaming tournaments during COVID based on the state of Virginia’s COVID-19 guidelines that are in place at the time of the event. Dane and his wife Kaitlin are great hosts and have a very nice and welcoming store.

The concept of the PGH vs VA challenge was developed shortly after the Team Yankee RED BLIZZARD tournament  that was held in January 2021.

The question that Dane had after RED BLIZZARD, was what can we do to have a different kind of tournament? We kicked around the idea of a RED vs BLUE tournament but realized you might end up limiting the number of players due to the Armies or Army that they own locally. Besides RED BLIZZARD was a RED vs BLUE tournament. We came up with the idea of having a team from Pittsburgh, PA, travel to CPG and take on a team from Virginia.

Team Yankee West Germans: New Toys and New Choices

By Mitch Reed

For those of you who back with me to the WWPD days you should be aware that my first NATO army for was the West German forces from the Leopard book. I dove into building a West German list for a few reasons, I thought it would be a force with a low model count, the Leo 2 was a baller tank and they looked fun to play. Since I collected this force, I have built a lot of other NATO forces and my FRG troops did not get the table time they once did. I wonder if the new units in the new WWIII West German book will change this trend.