Team Yankee by the Analytics V3

By Howard West

The original   Team Yankee Analytics was published on January 22nd, 2021 Team Yankee Analytics V2 was published on August 13, 2021, The base premise behind these articles was to answer the question: can a person who plays a miniatures war game use some basic data collection to keep track of your performance in tournament play, over a specific period to improve your tournament results based on previous tournament games?

The original article had data from 50 tournament games from the summer of 2018 thru August 2020, V2 added 34 more tournament games thru August 2021. V3 adds 30 more tournament games thru June 2022. My data set now consists of 114 games.

So what is new in Analytics V3?

After the publication of Analytics V2, I received quite a few comments and e-mails asking me if could add the data on the types of Armies that I have played and the Tank Teams and Air Units in my Army Lists. That information has been added in various sections of this article.

So, let’s start with the definition of Analytics.

The Business Dictionary defines Analytics; as the study of past historical data to research potential trends.

Type of Data that has been collected?

When I originally started collecting the data in, In July 2018, I wanted to answer can I monitor the performance of a new Team Yankee Army? I felt that if I was going to make a financial and time investment to purchase and build a new Team Yankee Army. Could I gain an understanding of the types of armies that I would oppose, how often did I Attack vs Defend, and what was the mission? Did they have Air? What kind of Tank team did they have?

To answer those types of questions, I started writing down some simple consistent notes about each of my games. The following is what I have collected for each of my Team Yankee tournament games since July 2018:

  • Date and Location of the tournament
  • What was the mission?
  • Did I attack or defend?
  • What was the opponent’s army’s nationality?
  • Did the opponents have Armor? If yes what types of tank units did they have?
  • Did the opponents have air? If yes what types of air units did they have?
  • What was the # of points used?

I also have started adding a brief description of the opponent’s list. EX: US M-113 Mech Company with a Canadian Leo-1 Company allied formation. Also, I do not document quantities, EX: 13 Leo-1 or 9 Leo-1 Tanks are just Leo-1 Tanks encountered.

Chart Notes: on the Charts below V1 & V2 means Team Yankee Version V1 & V2

# of points used for each Tournament

The chart below reflects the points used for each of the 36 tournaments that generated the 114 Team Yankee Games. Currently the 90-99 and Variable have been the most popular point tournaments that I have played.

Note on Variable: Variable means that the TO has set different point values for each of the rounds.

What was the mission?

The Chart Below illustrates the % of the Mission types that have been played over the last 114 Team Yankee games. When you compare the current 114 missions that have been played vs the prior two versions of this article you will notice the downward change in the top 5 missions played as the Extended Battle Plans out of the Team Yankee Missions Pack now account for 14% of the total missions that have been played.

Note: The Team Yankee Missions Pack was used in all of the recent tournaments the Tournament Organizers (TO’s) have been using the Extended Battle Plans Matrix. In some cases, they may limit or mandate the number of Attack, Defend or Maneuver stances for each tournament or may provide the Missions.

Did I Attack or Defend?

The chart above illustrates the % of the time that I Attacked vs Defended. This chart reflects a 5% increase in the % that I attack vs the V2 article. Since the V2 article, I have been playing lists with 2 tank formations and normally pick an Attack or Maneuver Stance. This reduces my risk of having to play a Deep Reserves Mission. In tournaments where the TO mandates that you use each stance once, I replace my 2nd tank formation with an infantry formation.

Opponent’s Armies Nationality?


The chart above illustrates the % of times that I faced a specific nation. Based on the location of the tournaments that I have entered, the entry still leans very heavily towards the NATO faction.  The 78% vs 22% NATO vs Warsaw Pact is pretty consistent with my first two articles. In my previous article, I counted the Iraqis in with the Warsaw Pact faction and corrected that in this article.

Since the previous article, I have faced multiple different Israeli players, which accounts for the near doubling of the games vs Israelis. Also, I have seen more players using more light formations for their 2nd or allied formations such as American LAV Companies, Light Attack Companies, and Light Cavalry Troops. Also as expected I have seen more West German Marder-2 Formations. This knowledge has defiantly helped me with list construction as my opponents’ army’s meta changes.

In 2022 I think you might see the above mix change especially with the new Warsaw Pact book.

Note on the above chart data: The above data only represents the nationality of the core formation of my opponent’s lists and does not account for an Allied formation that might be in my opponent’s list in a specific game. EX: the United States with a West German Ally.

What have I been playing?

The chart above illustrates the # of times that I played a specific nation in the 114 games played.

The above nations lists that I played had the following additional breakdowns:

  • Soviet BMP Infantry, and or T-62M Tank formations and sometimes with Allied East German T-55AM2, T-72M Tank, or Czechoslovakian T-72M formations.
  • East German BMP Infantry formations + Soviet Allied T-62M Tank formations.
  • Americans Bradley Mech Infantry formation + various American 2nd formations and sometimes West German M-113 Allied Formation
  • Czechoslovakian T-72M and T-72B formations and sometimes a Soviet BMP-2/BMP-3 allied formation.

Did the opponent have Air?

The above chart reflects a 6% decrease in the number of times that I encountered players having Air units in their lists from my V2 Article. This decrease has surprised me. In my V2 article, I stated that I thought I would continue to see an increase in the % of air units that my opponents are using. I still think we should see an increase in Air units being used, with the arrival of the low-cost Su-17 and SU-22 air units in the new Warsaw Pact Book.

But that will be based on the ratio of NATO vs Warsaw Pact changes in my tournament area. Also just because they have them on their lists does not mean they ever leave the comforts of their aircraft shelters. In many of the games, my opponent’s Air Units never arrive or make a single appearance. Going forward my lists will continue to have at least two or three Anti Aircraft Units.

Note: Air is both Airplanes and Attack Helicopters.

Air Units Encountered

The chart below was constructed in response to several of the comments and suggestions that I received from people reading the first publication of Team Yankee Analytics, asking if I had data on the types of Air Units that I encountered.

The chart above reflects the 58 different Air Units that I encountered that my opponents had in their lists in the past 114 games. In several cases, players had multiple Air Units in their lists. EX: Mirages and Gazelles.

Note on the above data: If a player had three Hind units in their list the above chart would only reflect one encounter, in tournaments that allowed players to have multiple lists or the points varied per round. I only accounted for Air Units that were on the lists that I played against in that tournament.

Combined V1 and V2 Tank Units Encountered

The chart below was constructed in response to several of the comments and suggestions that I received from people reading the first publication of Team Yankee Analytics, asking if I had the data on the types of Tank Units that I encountered in my 114 games.

The chart above shows the types of tank units that I have encountered in the last 114 games. I can use the data from this chart and compare it to the Nations that I have played against and it should help in future list construction or list tweaking.  EX: Since I have encountered the US lists 33% of the time, I should have lists that can deal with the M1-Abrams that I have encountered 17% of the time.

Logically if I can deal with an M1-Abrams I should be able to deal with the US or Israeli M-60s, you might see more M-60s than you would see M1 Abrams and you might adjust if folks play M-60s in your playing area. I will be adding T-72B and T-55 Missile Tanks once I encounter them.

List Construction Possible Changes

With the arrival of the new Warsaw Pact Book for Team Yankee, one of the major new units is the T-72B which is available for the Poles, East Germans, Czechoslovakians, and Soviets. If I look at the above data, I have faced tank units with AT < = 20 66% of the time and AT > 20 34% of the time. With that info and compare that to the number of times that I have played East Germans and Czechoslovakians in 40% of my games.

Replacing at least some of my T-72Ms and with T-72Bs with FA18 should help reduce the number of tank losses that I have taken when playing against armies whose tanks are AT <=20 and now have a dice roll chance vs AT>20. Also upgrading a T-55AM2 unit to a T-55AM2 Missile Tank is another option.

Comments on the Tank and Air Chart Data

Just to clarify what you are seeing in the charts, it shows the % of times that one of my opponents had a specific tank unit in their army list. So when you see that I played against M-60 tanks 15% of the time, it does not state how many M-60s. It could be between one platoon to several platoons on an opponent’s list. In a specific tournament if I encountered 3 different players playing M-60s then that would be counted as three for my data set.

This is the same way that I collected the Air Unit data. I also do not differentiate between a Dutch, West German, Canadian, or Aussie Leo-1, they are just Leo-1s for my data collection purposes. The same with M1-Abrams, I did not break down the different M1-Abrams tanks. They are all just Abrams tanks. I hardly ever see an up-gunned Abrams Tank unit. I did this to simplify the charts and my data collection. But I do collect it for the different Warsaw Pact type tanks such as the T-72, T-72M, T-62M, T-62, T-55AM, and the T-55AM2 since the vehicles have different stats.

In tournaments that players could or had to use multiple lists where each round of the tournament you could have different point levels or could choose between two different lists to use. My data only reflects the lists that I played against, not what the player could use in a different round.

Also, none of the Tank types in my armies are in the charts above. The chart below shows the tank types that I used in the 114 games.

My Tank Data

The chart above reflects the tank units that I used in a specific tournament, not the number of times they appeared in each of the tournaments. Not all of my various army lists that I used had tank units in them. When I bring out the V4 article the T-72B and T-55MT will play key roles in my go-forward East German and Czechoslovakian army lists.


Collecting the data and storing it in something like Excel was pretty easy, you do not need to be an Excel guru to build the charts and graphs that I have enclosed. The collected data and the results from the analysis of that data have helped me construct better lists. This same approach could be used for Flames of War.

One thing to remember is that your results will vary based on what your opponents are playing in tournaments that you play in.

Send me your questions or ideas on what you might want to see added, I normally reply in a few days.

Good luck with your Team Yankee Analytics, see you in about 25 to 35+ games for V4.

Review: Strategic Command American Civil War

By Mitch Reed

I have been a fan of the Strategic Command series since a company called Battlefront came out with two games that covered World War II and the Great War. Now that Slitherine Games has become involved with this series they have released a new version of the first two games and have released Strategic Command: American Civil War, which like its predecessors is an addictive time suck that makes you wonder where the day went.

Game Review: Starship Troopers: Terran Command

“Come on, you apes, do you want to live forever?”

—Attributed to an unnamed US Marine Corps gunnery sergeant, 6 June 1918


By Patrick S. Baker

Starship Troopers: Terran Command is a fun and engrossing real-time tactics (RTT) game.  The developers, The Aristocrats, are clearly fans of the 1997 Paul Verhoeven movie and have integrated that film’s “look and feel” without distracting from the actual game play.

Just like in the 1959 Robert A. Heinlein book and the film, humankind is fighting a genocidal war against the Bugs (called the Pseudo-Arachnids in the book), an alien race of giant insect-like creatures.  As the player, you are put in charge of the campaign of 19 scenarios to secure the desert mining planet of Kwalasha from the Bugs.

Two-Bee, or Not Two-Bee

By Jim Naughton


Zwei-bae, oder nicht Zwei-bae, das ist heir die Frage…somehow the pun doesn’t work in German. But it is an important question for PACT players. When you buy your new T72 battalion for BattleFront’s Team Yankee system, you can build your T72 models as the older T72/T72M variant or the brand-spanking-new T72B variant. The layers of reactive armor look awesome. The T72B brings missile capability along with the reactive armor, as well as advanced penetrators.

If you buy the AT-8/AT-11missiles for long-range engagements the T72B makes NATO come to the party by outranging their tanks and is a threat to hunter-killer helicopters. The move-and-shoot capability of the AT-8/AT-11 ensures that even from reserves, the T72B is a credible threat to any visible target. The ERA gives the tank the ability to crash lines of Irish Guards, an ability the Soviet/PACT has been sadly lacking. My heart, be still.

Bulge Germans : Volksgrenadiers vs Americans (with lots of Tank Destroyers)

By Tom Gall

Now that the Bulge German book, command cards, and unit cards are starting to flow out across the planet, I’m sure you’re like me, plotting what to buy and wondering in general how things will play. This article is about a 100 pt game featuring Volksgrenadiers vs American Airborne with tank destroyers and Pershings.

I like the Volksgrenadier formation as it offers fairly cheap German Infantry that can be improved partially depending on what Command Cards you may or may not choose to field.

Some feel yes you can just upgrade a portion of the formation, others feel that no you can’t and must have the 12 Volksgrenidier cards for all unit types you field. Phil Yates from Battlefront did take some time out of his busy day and make a ruling on this which was that you can’t mix the units.

Art de la Guerre Tournament Day 2: 28mm Dark Ages Era 200pts

by Dennis ‘Matt Varnish’ Campbell, additional photos by Todd Creasey, Mike Abbott and John Bowen
Day 2 of the OMG Art de la Guerre (ADLG) tournament was 25/28mm and was Dark Ages era themed. We had fewer players but it was also a holiday here in Canada. Victoria Day. Where we graciously asked the Queen if we could be our own country and she said yes, rather than revolt like our southerly neighbors. What better way to celebrate than in the basement playing some ADLG at the club!

The Spanish Raid Maryland – April Tournament AAR

By Tom Mullane

This past April I turned 39. And when my wife asked me what I wanted to do with my birthday weekend, I told her I had it all planned out. I would be heading down to Maryland to play in my first Blood and Plunder tournament in nearly six months.

Glenn Van Meter, Tyler Stone, and I had been plotting and scheming for months to put on a land tournament at Critical Hit Games in Abingdon Maryland.

The cards had been printed, the terrain had been made, and the invites sent. Heading into the weekend we had 24 signed up but expected a few would drop for the usual reasons. Since I was traveling the furthest, Glenn and Tyler generously told me I could play in the tournament without acting as a TO. (I would not be taking any prize money obviously, because I’m an eagle scout who wouldn’t break the sacred vow we all took as Tournament Organizers).

This tournament I would be bringing my Spanish, to see if my multitude of games getting my clock cleaned might finally pay off. My friends Niguel and Shane get credit as my sparring partners in the lead-up to this Tournament.

Art de la Guerre Tournament, Day One, 15mm Roman period, 200points

by Dennis ‘Matt Varnish’ Campbell, additional photos by Mike Abbott and Tod Creasey

The local gaming club, Ottawa Miniature Gaming (OMG), held a two-day Art de la Guerre (ADLG) event over the May long-weekend. I decided to sign up after only one practice game.

I could only attend the 15mm 200pt Roman-themed event, but was able to drop by and snap some pics of Day Two’s 28mm Dark Ages era tournament, stayed tuned for a future post.

We had 15 players attend, which is a great turnout, despite the gigantic summer storm knocking out power. With an odd number of players, I opted to take the third round bye so I could take some pics.