Bolt Action: Operation Baggy Rations

By Troy Hill

What do we eat on the Russian Front during Operation Bagration?

Baggy Rations, of course.

At least, that’s what gamers snack on while playing a historical-themed event this past weekend. Anything to support the FLGS, right? Whatever snacks the store had disappeared as our local Bolt Action players munched their way through three rounds of operational madness.

Become Ironman In Just Three Tournaments

By Glenn Van Meter

Last year at Historicon, No Dice No Glory ran a very successful Ironman Tournament for Firelock Games. The gaming spanned three systems, two days, and dozens of competitors. All three sub-tournaments were the largest Firelock Games tournaments to date for each system. We even had demo tables on-hand for passers-by to try out what they were seeing. So it was no surprise that Firelock Games has asked us to help them make this year another overwhelming success.

Combined Arms: Warlord’s WWII Campaign Game

By Troy Hill

Well, Warlord did it again.

They released a new game. That uses rules from their other games. For an entirely new game. Or something like that.

Combined Arms is both a stand-alone board game, and a campaign set for Warlord’s suite of World War II games, Bolt Action, Blood Red Skies, Cruel Seas, and Victory at Sea.

And my gaming group in Indiana has been salivating for a campaign system we can use. Warlord timed the release of the game well, right as gaming is ramping up across the globe after two years mostly in pandemic lockdowns.

Playing with the cats – Flames of War Bulge Germans on the tabletop

By Tom Gall

With the release of the Battle of the Bulge German forces by Battlefront, the German player is granted a luxurious set of choices for new units to play with for version 4 of Flames of War. This article is about putting together a Volksgrenadier formation with the addition of some of the fun thematic late war German super weapons and playing it against Americans on the tabletop. What works well? What doesn’t?

Review: A Most Fearful Sacrifice- Gettysburg Done Nice

By Mitch Reed

Wargames tend to feature some of the most iconic battles in history and the fact that the battle of Gettysburg has so many titles shows its enduring popularity with gamers. I own many games on the battle and one of my first wargames was the 1977 version of Gettysburg from Avalon Hill. Some games on the battle are hits and some miss the mark, however, A Most Fearful Sacrifice (AMFS) from Flying Pig Games is the best game on the battle if not also a top ten wargame in your collection.

Art de la Guerre, Ancients in 15mm: Persians

“So I entered an ADLG tournament the other day…….”



by Dennis ‘Matt Varnish’ Campbell


What better way to get my 15mm Persian army painted than to randomly enter a local tournament!  Art de La Guerre (ADLG) is an ancients ruleset from France that has more figures than DBA and covers a WIDE timespan, roughly from a few thousand BC up to about the Renaissance period.  See Paolo’s interview with the Author here:

The Canadian Advanced Squad Leader Open

By David Garvin

It was back in May 2019, that the last in-person Canadian Advanced Squad Leader Open (CASLO) was held.  That was in Ottawa and it was won by Jean-Pierre Raymond of Québec. The Pandemic ended all in-person play for two years, so the 2020 version, scheduled to be held in Fredericton, New Brunswick, was held virtually instead. 2021’s version was also online, but the prevalence of vaccines and the easing of global restrictions meant that this year would finally see another in-person event. This year, the event was held in the Montréal suburb of Dorval from the 20th to the 22nd of May and was attended by twenty-two players. As it turned out, it was a close-run affair that came down to the final round to determine the winner.

The Return of the King – The Big Cats of Bulge: German

By Richard Steer

Flames of War began its Late-War Journey in June 2019 with the publication of Fortress Europe, bringing V4 into the 1944-45 era. Subsequent releases have seen Late-War develop with books covering the Normandy and Bagration campaigns, and most recently the Ardennes.

Throughout the last three years, however, there has been something missing. You can argue about their historical significance. You can make jokes about them breaking down, running out of fuel, and being unable to cross bridges. But one thing is certain: in the Tiger II, Jagdtiger, and Jagdpanther, Bulge: German contains some of the most anticipated additions to V4.

Do they live up to expectations? Let’s take a closer look at how these vehicles have been represented in the game.

Mythic Americas Overview

By Chris Masucci

Over the past few years, I have had the pleasure of creating content for a unique game. Among the current fantasy offerings in the tabletop market, the realm of fantasy has been dominated by mostly Euro-centric games set in fantasy lands with humans, elves, and dwarves.

When it comes to games that center upon other areas or cultures outside what we have come to know as the standard fantasy setting, there seems to be a lack of mainstream options. In 2020 Warlord Games launched Mythic Americas, a fantasy game based on the Warlords of Erehwon rules that centers on the Pre-Columbian lands of North and South America.