By David Garvin
Snipers are an important part of modern war, having gained great importance in the Second World War. , trained to provide highly detailed intelligence on the enemy and engage him only if the opportunity presents itself.
However, in World War Two they were largely employed as marksmen, trained to shoot a man-sized target out to about 300 yards, often with only using iron sights. In practically every tactical-level war game that I have played, snipers have often been ignored. It is a tricky problem as to how to mimic the effect of a single rifle-armed soldier taking that one shot that alters the fate of a battle.
Not all games ignore them, however, and in this article, I will show how that aforementioned problem was dealt with by the developers of . In so doing, I will explore back through the original Squad Leader system and how it first tackled the problem. Finally, I will give an anecdote about how it affected me, the human player, in one memorable match I played many years ago.