Designers Notes: D-Day and Beyond from Tiny Battles Publishing

By John Stafford and Jim Baldrighi

Greetings fellow gamers! I’m John Stafford, co-designer of’s new World War II boardgame D-Day and Beyond (DDAB). Back in October of 2019, my co-designer Jim Baldrighi and I sat down in my basement to play the old Avalon Hill classic boardgame, D-Day. We played over the course of two evenings and enjoyed the game enough to swap sides and play again.

Afterward, as we usually do, we sat back with an adult beverage and discussed what we liked about the game and what we didn’t, and what new or improved game mechanics we would employ to make it a more enjoyable or historically accurate experience. Jim and I use such games to make “keep or sell” decisions regarding our collections, so this discussion eventually comes down to three questions: “Did we like the game enough to keep it?”, “Does it need an upgrade?”, and closely related to the second question, “Was it fun enough to redesign it to our satisfaction?”DDAB is the result of three “yes” answers.

Exciting New Soviet Team Yankee List Ideas

By Tom Gall

Christmas comes early for Soviet Team Yankee players in the form of the book with its impressive array of new units and new formation options. In this article, I’m going to share with you what I’m thinking about in terms of list building ideas, how I’m planning to supercharge my Soviet Team Yankee armies to dominate the battlefield.

No matter if you are a new or experienced Team Yankee player, you’re probably looking to do your best to win some games. With the new book, Battlefront is giving you additional tools towards that goal. I’m going to come at this from a few different angles. One is what if I was an entirely new player, what would I recommend you buy to put together a fun and competitive force?  As an experienced player, how will I modify my existing lists?  Last what older lists might I refresh and bring out again?

Konflikt 47 2000pt game British and USA vs. Germans

By Chris Masucci

After a long hiatus this weekend the community at Mythicos Studios was finally able to get out and organize a game of This was a four-player game with 2000 pts total on each side, and the allies made up of a British and American coalition faced off against the Germans in an attempt to stop them from gaining further ground at the end of 1947 comes to a close.

The two forces sported a variety of units as the US infantry force with some walker and an AT gun half-track for support. The British force aimed for a more armored fist approach with power armored infantry and lots of heavy armor. In opposition, the German forces utilized a large horde of zombies backed up by walkers, artillery, and a single light tank.

Cyber Wars ‘Redux’ with Firelock Games

By Tyler Stone
This past weekend, ran its second ‘Cyber Wars’ digital convention. During the first Cyber Wars, I was able to , the lead designer of Blood & Plunder and Oak & Iron, by
Mitch Reed to cover Firelock’s other game, Blood & Valor. This time, Mitch and I joined forces and put everyone under one digital circus tent. You can check out the entire 2-hour recording on the , or read on below for the ‘spark notes’ version.
Blood & Plunder
By now, any avid NDNG reader should be aware that Firelock Games wrapped up their latest Kickstarter, titled This expansion not only adds new factions, characters, and starter box but also advances the game’s timeline into the 18th century while bringing the game’s model line into the 21st century with a range of hard-plastic miniatures. What you may not know is that ‘Raise the Black’ is the highest-grossing historical wargame ever released on Kickstarter. Over 2,000 backers came together to pledge more than $360,000. The next step in this wildly successful venture from the boys from La Florida will be to set up the Pledge Manager. Once that is available, backers will be able to update their pledges and claim rewards. The Pledge Manager will also allow Late Backers to get in on the action if they missed the initial offers.
While we wait for the Kickstarter’s 2021 ship date, we can still expect to see continued growth for the game. An intermediary PDF will bring rules for some of the new units that we’ve already seen on the Force Builder. There is also a possibility of seeing some new terrain and units come to the game before ‘Raise the Black’ reaches our doorstep.

Painting Heer and Luftwaffe Splinter Camouflage

By Kreighton LongGerman WWII Tent Quarter & Poncho Zeltbahn Splinter Pattern Camouflage – International Military Antiques

While the Waffen SS made extensive use of camouflage uniforms, the German Heer incorporated its own pattern, albeit not to the thoroughness of their SS peers.

In this article, I would like to share my process for painting Splinter Camouflage. This pattern is applicable for both Heer as well as Luftwaffe Fallschirmjager who sported similar patterns during the mid and late-war periods.

I recommend finding examples of splinter camouflage in history books or Google Images and leaning on them to help form the shapes of the different parts of this pattern. We will be using the following Vallejo paints in this tutorial:  German Cam. Beige (821), Leather Brown (871), German Cam. Medium brown (826), Black (950), and Luftwaffe Cam. Green (823). We will also use Citadel’s Seraphim Sepia as a wash.

Bringing Docks to the 4Ground

By Glenn Van Meter

I’ve been avidly playing Firelock’s Blood & Plunder for over a year now, and in that time I have constantly been on the lookout for more and better terrain options, especially as I intend to host some tournaments once COVID-19 risks are a bit more relaxed.

To that end, I have purchased terrain from Firelock’s own range, made some cardboard Spanish-style houses, purchased a few 3D printed options, and even bought a couple of Laketown sets from Games Workshop in the hopes of using the docks and older (albeit slightly fantasy) style houses in the future. So when Firelock Games announced a partnership with 4Ground to produce the “Ports of Plunder” range, I ordered a variety of kits to try out, including several of their dock pieces. 

Batrep : Battlegroup NorthAG Soviets vs British 500 pts

By Tom Gall

is the Plastic Soldier companies WWIII what if set of rules. It brings the Battlegroup style of rules to the early/mid-1980s which for those fans of the period can be welcome competition for Battlefronts Team Yankee.

While Covid is still running around here in Minnesota, we’re lucky that cases are generally in check, so in-store gaming is something we can do masked. D6 Games in Rochester Mn is my frequent haunt and with time around the tabletop, I’ve been catching up with gaming I’ve been wanting to do since things shut down in March.

A number of friends who are fans of Team Yankee have wanted to give NorthAG as try. This batrep is the result of one of those games. It’s a 500pt affair on a 6×4 table in 15mm reusing much of our Team Yankee hardware. The lists are at the bottom of the article.