URSS Heavy Assault group for Soviet Bagration book

By Paolo Paglianti

The Bagration Russian book allows the player to choose very different tactics and formations. You can play a strong defense army, sitting on the objectives and valiantly waiting for the enemy to come out of cover and taste some Motherland lead; or you can assault opponents with lots of AT14 guns and cheap but effective artillery.

As for any new book release, Battlefront has a for players who want to start a new Russian Late army: we’ve received one of these boxes, and we can’t wait to see what there is inside and to see what we can do with all this steel from the Motherland.

Saga battle report: Vikings Axes Vs Anglo-Saxon shieldwall

By Paolo Paglianti

is a fast 28mm skirmish game very easy to catch on. Let’s see how it works with a battle report between a Viking raiding party and an Anglo-Saxon army sent to stop the havoc from the Scandinavian invaders. Will you side for the ravaging Axe or roof for the defending levies?

Saga takes a different approach from games like Warhammer – with specific army books for each army, such as Skaven or High Elves. This forces Warhammer players to study a wide variety of books and army lists to know what their opponent can bring to the table during a game.

Saga has a really different concept: all armies can choose between three units – that’s it. Doesn’t matter if you play Dark Age Arabs, Crusaders in the Holy Land, Vikings, or Hannibal’s army crossing the Alps: you can choose between Hearthguard (the elite), Warriors (the average good fighter), and Levies (the guys that will probably flee or die before the end of the day).

Good Old Fashioned Law and Order: A Patriot’s guide to fighting revolutionaries

By Tyler Stone

has launched the highly anticipated next chapter of ‘Blood & Plunder’ with their latest Kickstarter; . NDNG received an exclusive, early preview of some of the factions and units coming to the game. In response to fellow Tales of the Sail caster , I demand law and order, unwavering discipline and bravery. Hence, I present the British Army.

Raise the Black focuses on this “law and order” era of the New World. In the 18th century, European powers sent their professional armies to defend the wealth of their colonies. Our sneak preview included the British Army (from 1690, to 1750) that I will be sharing with you today.

Team YamRonkee – Combining Forces for WhatIf scenarios

Sample of Somali unit stands

By Ron Winkler

With the continued COVID 19 restrictions on gaming opportunities, I decided to try another solo game. This time it would be a modification of Team Yankee to represent a rescue operation in Somalia. For purposes of the game, I selected units and concepts from both Team Yankee and ‘Nam gamebooks. The scenario would be based on Hot LZ with US forces attempting to rescue Western newsmen held captive in a Somalia prison compound.

Review: Battle for Germany Deluxe- A Campaign Worth Refighting

By Mitch Reed

I can admit that I will probably never re-read many of the books in my collection. The same can be said for many of the wargames I own, after playing them a few times I have little interest in re-playing them. However, some games stand out as classics that you just have to keep in your collection and play over and over again.

Battle for Germany is one game that is a classic that not only I have played many times, I even have bought multiple copies of the game. If you love this game as I do, you will be excited that has released a deluxe version of the game that I recommend you pick up even if you already have a cherished copy.

Piracy in the Age of Plastics: Firelock’s New Golden Age Pirates Faction List from Raise The Black

By Glenn Van Meter

The Gentlemen of Fortune over at recently gave us a preview snippet from the new expansion book Raise the Black from their upcoming Kickstarter, which kicks off on October 6th. As the new expansion brings the game into the 18th century and the Golden Age of Piracy, I thought it rather exciting that the first list spotted would be one of the new pirate factions. So, let’s raise the black flag and jump right in to see what it’s worth!

The new faction is the Golden Age Pirates (1690-1730), and they are what you would imagine a pirate crew to be from any Hollywood film. The faction special rules really help give this list the character you would expect in a force of bloodthirsty, throat-cutting pirates straight from the Spanish Main. They get the previous pirate faction rule allowing them to fly false colors when attacking, which lets them come upon their prey and catch them unawares – or at least start a lot closer to the ever-important booty.

FOW D-Day British Missions – Part 2 – Counterattack

By Tom “Chairborne” Mullane

This is Part 2 of my playthrough of the mini-campaign in the back of the British D-Day Release.

My trusty opponent Shane competed in the “Sieze and Hold” mission last time, and for round two, we are reversing our roles.

I will be taking the Germans and a grenadier company, and Shane will be playing a Cromwell recce company.

The British are counterattacking to try and reach the Paratroopers who landed and held points the night before. let’s see how they fare.

Review: Undaunted: North Africa

By Nate Fritz

I love World War II, but I have never given the African theater as much attention as I should. Undaunted: North Africa from Osprey Games has turned my interest level up to eleven with its coverage of the fight between the British Long Range Desert Group (LRDG) and the Italian Army.

The game uses a deck-building mechanic to take actions and track your soldier’s health, when you run out of cards that unit is destroyed, which leads to fast-flowing tactical combat. Maps for each scenario are designed from two-sided tiles that create a dynamic battlefield and allow for a variety of engagement scenarios. Osprey Games provides 11 scenarios with the game and has a tracker that can be used to record outcomes of each scenario in order to determine who wins a campaign.