FOW D-Day British Missions – Part 1 – Seize and Hold
By Tom Mullane
This is Part 1 of a series of articles that will cover the campaign missions from the back of the new British D-Day book.
Up here in Danbury, CT things have calmed down enough for me to feel comfortable getting in a few games with my friend Shane.
As wargamers go, Shane is a professional. He has every army for Flames of War, including more Russians than I’ve ever seen in one place. Shane doesn’t just play Flames, he is also a big Bolt Action player, 40k player, Firelock Models, and even has some beautifully painted Napoleonic Minis in 28mm (a mark of sophistication in my opinion.) – note, the author doesn’t have Napoleonics.
I’ll also take the opportunity to put a plug in for his Blog – . He taught me quite a few tips and tricks as a painter, and a gamer in general. Shane is generous with his time and patience. He’s just a stand-up guy….
Which is why over the next few missions I will try to destroy him.