Tactical Suggestion Fortress Europe Brit and D-Day US

By Benny Christiansen

As soon as I have made a new list, I simply HAVE to try it out. It is how I am. I find it very hard to play the exact same list over and over, even if I envy the players who do that, and by doing that, gets to know their list very well.

This is, however, the reason why I like making Tactical Suggestions. I don’t pretend to have all the answers, nor do I assume I’m always right, but I like to share my thoughts and experiences, in the hope that other players can be inspired.

Warcry – Skirmish for Age of Sigmar

By Tom Gall

Games Workshop is releasing a new skirmish game called which is set in the Age of Sigmar universe. It is somewhat akin to which is skirmish for the Warhammer 40K universe however the game is vastly different so don’t assume it’s just another Kill Team, it’s not. As demo units are starting to hit your friendly local game store, let’s walk through what the game has to offer.

Here Comes the Cavalry – US Cavalry in The D-Day America Book

By Chad Underdonk,

Last winter when Battlefront announced the return to late-war in V4 my heart began to pound a little faster as I’ve always been a big fan of the M8 Greyhounds and Jeeps of the US Cavalry. I immediately examined the announced title page of the US D-Day book and was a little upset to learn that there was no Reconnaissance formation listed for the United States. And worse, upon examination, I realized that the Germans, British, and Russians all had a reconnaissance formation on their title pages. So with much trepidation, I’ve been awaiting word of what is going on with my beloved US Cavalry.

Man sheets and braces! – Shipborne Combat in Blood and Plunder

By Tyler Stone

It seems that 2019 has a preoccupation with naval wargaming. Heart of Leviathan by is gaining steam, and Warlord Games recently launched Cruel Seas. has put their new 1:600 scale fleet game ‘Oak & Iron’ on prerelease. But,  stands head-and-shoulders above all the rest – literally. Unlike the other games which are 1:1200 scale, 1:600 scale, or even 1:300 scale;  Blood & Plunder does naval combat in 1:48 scale.

Today, I would like to focus on this unique aspect of ‘Blood & Plunder.’ I aim to belay your lubberly misgivings about ship-borne combat. So, to quote that excellent fictional pirate Hector Barbossa,
“Say what robs you of your staunch heart … or forever leave it to the whiter fields of fancy”

The King of Jordan Royal Tank Museum – Part 1

By Scott Roach

Photos by the Author

The Royal Tank Museum of Jordan

For most of us as gamers in the world of miniatures, I think for the majority of us we love sitting at a desk painting up our latest acquisition, be it a Leopard 2 for our Team Yankee West Germans, or a Cromwell for that added punch to a British Bolt Action Platoon.  Either way, we always take the time to look at pictures on Google, drag a book of the shelf or reach out to the forums for advice.

For me, I have been fortunate enough to travel.  This has provided excellent opportunities to get to those out of the way Museums around the world and actually reach out and touch some of this living history.  The aim of this article is to allow me to share one of those opportunities with you.

How I choose my list for a tournament, day by day.

By Benny Christiansen

At any time, when I participate in a tournament, I have to choose what to field. Most gamers I know change their list from tournament to tournament. In parts because of points, restrictions or new lists being available, but for me, it’s also to continue trying out new things with old lists and seeing how they work.

In this article, I will try to give you a day-by-day look at how I plan my lists for a tournament that I participate in.

As I write this, I’m two months away from my next tournament. This is a great time to begin thinking about the list I want to bring to the event.

Black Powder – a Noob’s Experience

by Troy A. Hill

SciFi/Fantasy and WWII have been gateway games for many gamers, myself included.

The routine seems to be finding a fantasy or SciFi miniatures game. Then moving into historicals through WWII (or WWIII) games. That’s where the time-space vortex opens a rift in the gaming table and sucks a gamer down into the eye of the storm that is historicals.

I’m just one such example. Fantasy in the 28mm scale brought me into the hobby. Then I moved into WWII gaming in both 15mm and 28mm. Now I’m beginning my dive back into the trenches historical gaming scene that doesn’t include tanks nor airplanes. So many games, and so little experience. We’ve got ancients, dark ages, medieval, ACW, ECW, or that little general who conquered most of Europe…

Steady as a Rock: Gunfighters Ball

Nothing in American culture is more iconic that the western, where we see all sorts of heroes and villains engaging in gunfights at high-noon on a dirt street in the middle of a town. Most people have some level of familiarity with the old west and now we have a game that can bring the exciting gunfights to our gaming table. Gunfighters Ball from is the game where you get to re-create these iconic gunfights and much more.