Iran in Oil Wars

The history of the Iranian government since the 1979 revolution has been….complicated. And in the case of this part of the oil wars book, the fluff provided gives an appropriately involved and messy political history worthy of the 3rd World War environment of the book.  The Iranians make a devil’s bargain with

their Soviet overlords, and find themselves in a slugging match with many other nations across the desert.  Because of the nature of the varied assistance, they have received from 1st world and 2nd world allies over the past several decades, Iran is a hodgepodge of different tanks, equipment packaging, and weapons systems.

Iraqis and Syrians in Team Yankee: Oil War

By Dennis Campbell AKA Matt Varnish

Hello everyone,

Let’s talk about Iraq and Syria in Team Yankee. While we will not discuss politics at all in this article, when you think of Villains of the late 20th century, the regimes of Iraq and Syria certainly are at the top of the list.

So why play them?  For me, I tend to run ‘the bad guys’ stemming from my little brother always wanting ‘the good guys’ as toys (he wanted GI Joes, so I played Cobra, he wanted Rebels, so my figurines were Imperial for Star Wars, etc) and since then, my tendency to play bad guys translated to other games such as Warhammer and 40k, and now to Team Yankee. I am currently re-painting my old Soviet force into Syrians, and as you can see, I even have the terrain ready to go:

Oil Wars Reviewed and Spoiled

By Chris Jackson

It’s almost here. The long-awaited Oil Wars hits the shelves in a few short days. I have been lucky enough to get a sneak peak at it and more importantly, I have permission to share what I have seen.

Oil Wars covers the armies of the Middle East at the time of the fictional WWIII portrayed by Team Yankee. Iran and Iraq have been at war for four years and both find their armies rejuvenated by an influx of equipment, advisors, and direct support from their respective superpower benefactors.

Duel in the Desert: A Funzie Event Recap

, in sunny (and smoggy) Los Angeles California was recently home to a 28mm scale face-off between Rommel’s DAK and a mixed band of allies. The event was hosted by, with prize support from , and , and the chapter. This event was played with the Bolt Action rules set and featured armies primarily from the Western Desert book released last year by Warlord Games.

The event was inspired by Brad at the and based loosely on his event, Suns Out, Guns Out down in Australia, as well as inspiration from the gents at the . Even though we ran the event with tournament style, one-on-one games on 4×6-foot tables, the goal of this was for to compete for the overall victory of one’s side, and not try to dominate each game to be the top player.

To The Strongest, a board game with miniatures

We’ve recently seen how : a deep simulation for ancient/medieval warfare, with a manual written in a precise, . Now it’s time to go easier, with a fresh, modern set of rules you can read and understand without Britannica encyclopedia support, and be able to play at a decent level in a couple of hours – and we also had a chat with Simon Miller, the author behind the rules. Time to have a look at To

Precision in Advanced Squad Leader

What does it mean to have precision? Some may equate it with accuracy, but that is, well, inaccurate.  Consider the following: an armed force has a target in a building. Their 155mm round may hit the target accurately, 99 times out of 100; however, if the resulting blast levels the five adjacent buildings, was the effect precise? Not in the least! In order to be precise, one must first be accurate and then one must ensure that the effects are only those desired.

Team Yankee User Content: The Turkish Army

With the release of Oil Wars,  the new book for just about to be spoiled in about a week we here at NDNG want to give you another force to use with this new release. Manning the southern and eastern most flank of NATO sits the Turkish army, ready to fight against the USSR. However alongside this threat the Turkish nations sits near other hot-spots of the mid 1980’s. Turkey also borders the nations of Iraq and Iran, two nations that are represented in the new Oil Wars book.

The Honved at Home: Hungarians of Fortress Budapest Spoiled!

By Ian Birdwell

By mid-1944, the Red Tide sweeping across the plains of eastern Europe had finally begun to lap the borders of Hungary.

By August, Romania had switched sides, Hungary was being invaded, and it looked like Germany wouldn’t quite be able to get everything under control.

The fighting in Hungary represents one of my favorite periods in WW2. It’s the junction of almost every nation fighting in Europe. Hungarian infrastructure was destroyed by US and British bombing after all. Taking center stage was the fighting in and around Budapest.

This is the setting for warlord’s latest theater book for in Fortress Budapest.

Now as far as this review goes, I’m going to be taking you all through the broad strokes of the Hungarian section of the book. I’ll go through the new units added into the Hungarian arsenal and the brand new theater selectors able for the Honved!

Preview: DEFCON ZERO; Realistic Modern Combat


Eight Russian contractors crouch against the wall, preparing to rush into a building. Eight men—each veterans of countless undeclared wars—know their enemy awaits on the other side. It’s unclear what unit the American infantrymen belong to, but they’re well-trained, well-disciplined, and a threat. That’s what brought the Russians here in the first place—an Iranian-backed oil concern paid Vladivostok Security Solutions a hefty fee to clean out the American military presence. As the squad leader gives a hand signal, asking for ready, gunfire erupts from the flank.
A squad of American infantry has infiltrated unnoticed, and opened fire on the Russians. Two men go down screaming while the unit returns fire. In a matter of minutes, the gunfire ceases, and the only sounds are the cries of the wounded.

This is DEFCON-ZERO in a nutshell. It captures the grisly bleeding edge of modern warfare.

Great War: The French, Americans, and Belgians

The staff here at NDNG is so excited that is updating the Great War book for all of those like me who love all things Great War. As you have seen in our previous articles the new book is bigger and better than the previous version; all the rules are updated to the V4 standard and you have a lot of new forces to play with.

I had the honor of helping the crew at Battlefront put together this book and I want to share some of the amazing forces you can now play on your table. In this article, I will go over the changes to the French and American forces as well as introduce the Belgians to the fight.