Having a Great Time Playing the Great War

Part of what we do here at NDNG is to bring excitement into our hobby and reach out to the community to get them to enjoy all the great games we play. Part of this is holding demo games whenever possible and I recently had the opportunity to hold a demo of the new Great War book at in Ashburn Va.

Holding a demo at this store seems fitting, my first taste of was playing FOW-1918 at a convention hosted by the owner of Huzzah Chris Huhn almost ten years ago. I asked Chris, who is a huge Great War fan if I can hold a demo at his store and he quickly found me some space at his store.

Coming Soon from BattleFront…

By James Copeland

When I first started playing Flames of War (FOW) many years ago I fell in love with the Late War period. It was my favorite because it was the culmination of the advance of technology of the nations involved in the conflict. By 1944 the major armies of 1939-1942 either improved their weapons, tactics, and doctrine drastically from the start of the war or ceased to exist as a credible force.

NDNG Iron Man competition

No Dice No Glory Iron Man Series: Fall-In 2018
held 9 -10 November, Lancaster Host Resort Hotel, 2300 Lincoln Highway East (Route 30) Lancaster, PA 17602

They say war is hell, and sometimes gaming can be tough too. We all know the feeling of exhaustion after a full day of playing in a tournament; what would you feel like after two days of competitive play? Those willing to play in back to back events and test their skills in both Team Yankee and Flames of War deserve recognition, and that is the title of “Iron Man”.

NDNG Podcast Episode 14

Our Wednesday post a day early!

Iron-Tom, Tom “Chairborne”, Dennis and Glenn get together to share thoughts about what we are up to at NDNG.

In addition, they discuss the NDNG Tunisia Campaign, BattleFront’s Open Day UK info, and the upcoming events at Historicon 2018.


The Free Nations book for Team Yankee Spoiled

While the membership NATO has grown since 1985 (15 members to 29 today) the mission and role of the alliance is just as relevant today as it was when first formed in 1949. So far has given us the forces of the major nations of the alliance and now it is time for the smaller nations to enter in the game. While these nation’s may have smaller and less well-equipped armies than the major players, their commitment to NATO should not be overlooked. They do play a major role supporting NATO’s mission.

‘NAM Nationalist Forces – Part 4 Nationalist Support Units

by NDNG-Dane and Tom Burgess

Welcome back Comrades,

We have gone over the glorious and patriotic formations that we will use to vanquish the imperialist and their lackeys in South Vietnam. As strong as these formations are, they cannot succeed alone. They need support. Today’s briefing will explain what support units are available to our formations as they drive the dogs from the South.

We have gone over the glorious and patriotic formations that we will use to vanquish the imperialist and their lackeys in South Vietnam. As strong as these formations are, they cannot succeed alone. They need support. Today’s briefing will explain what support units are available to our formations as they drive the dogs from the South.

Avanti – What it means to the Tournament Scene

Today we are taking a look at what may be the most intriguing book to come out so far for Flames of War (FOW) MW V4, Avanti. In this article, you will read how Avanti will change the tournament scene.

Verison 4 has really become much more of a dice game than the more historical simulation that FOW Verison 3 was. In the shooting step, it is now easier to hit previously impervious units (veteran, gone to ground, concealed and long range). Players are now able to roll a 7 or 8. To do so is difficult, but not impossible.

Tank is where it is at in Avanti. Photo Credit Wikipedia.

It’s easier to get dig out pesky infantry since repeat bombardments force a re-roll of successful saves. The more dice you throw, the better chance you have of killing what you’re shooting at.

Currently, it seems the key to what Battlefront is pushing, is horde armies. The more models you’re pushing around the table, the better. Crusader Swarms. Gobs and gobs of armoured rifle stands bouncing around the table. Or that guy who brings as many Stuarts as he can fit in his list with some heavy guns behind them.

Heck, even my German list, which has done very well, is all about getting as many Panzer III Short 5cms on the table that I can. I support these with Marders and other low expensive German units.