Flames of War The Return of the Experimentals

By Chris Masucci

Having been out of the Flames of War scene for about ten years now, I was disappointed to find that many of the figures that I remember from years past have long disappeared from Battlefront’s catalog. Being a big fan of the Dieselpunk, alternate WW2, and “Weird War” styles, one of the biggest casualties for me was Battlefront’s collection of what were dubbed “Mid War Monsters”.

This series introduced several experimental or obscure vehicles to Flames of War in its mid-war theaters. The mid-war monsters included everything from little-used but produced vehicles such as the Boarhound and Italian P40, to things that never left the drawing board.

Coastal Patrol – WWII Small Ship Skirmish Rules

By Tom Gall

As someone that bought into the Cruel Seas rules and range by Warlord when it came out back in 2018, I was sad to hear that Warlord has paused the Cruel Seas system. We had been hoping for a second edition of the rules and repointed forces to help with balance. With that not happening in the near future, our local group started looking for a different ruleset to test the waters with.

Where does one with a range of 1/300 WWII MTBs look for a simple ruleset to play? Too Fat Lardies, of course. This article is about Coastal Patrol by James Schmidt. This was our local game group’s first experiment away from Cruel Seas while still using the line of boats from Warlord.

Bolt Action French for the Desert

By Andy Allcock

Greetings! Let me introduce myself. I’m Andy, I’ve been wargaming since I was a young teenager. I started with Warhammer 40k (2ed) and moved shortly afterward into historical and fantasy gaming.  A buddy and I wrote our own ruleset years ago, and I’ve been known to know where and how to find rules in other games.

For 2022 I’ve decided to start yet another Bolt Action army.  I’ve already got early Germans, late war winter Germans, British Commandos, British 8th Army, USMC (which I play as 1st cav), Africa Italians, and regular Italians. With such a widespread of armies, I decided it was time to dive into the French.

Steel Panthers Series Retrospective (Part One)

By Patrick S. Baker

Wars and soldiers are similar across time and space.  So, it is also that war games are similar across time and space. Often the best war games are not the most innovative, but rather present the familiar elements of simulated war in a way which is compelling and engaging. The ones that are both familiar and gripping give us, the players, those rare war games which are both easy to play and understand, but hard to master. The Steel Panthers games fit right in that hard-to-find sweet spot.

Steel Panthers started development in May 1994 and was released in September 1995. The game was designed and programmed by Gray Grigsby and Keith Brors and were produced and marketed by Strategic Simulations, Inc. (SSI).

Historical Advanced Squad Leader

Squad Leader: Where it all began

By David Garvin

With the 1977 release of , the wargaming world experienced an earthquake. The virtual tectonic plates didn’t just rattle; they shattered the gaming world!

The late , designer of Squad Leader, had developed a game like none other. Now gamers could re-fight various battles of the Second World War at such low tactical levels like never before! Not only did players get to move squads around, but also some individual and even key leaders!

Squad Leader spawned three successive games, (called gamettes by the designer); , and . These were later supplanted by Advanced Squad Leader, developed in great part by and .

By 1986, Advanced Squad Leader had released its revolutionary rule book as well as the first module in the system, . With the 2013 release of , pretty much every nation that fought in the war had a module covering its actions. And in 2017 with , the ASL universe had expanded into the Korean War.

Painting the Blue and Gray Unit Patch on WWII US Army Uniforms

By Kreighton Long

29th (US) Infantry Division history – Battle of Normandy – D-Day Overlord

In honor of my new home in Virginia, and for a less commonly seen WWII US Army theme, I decided to design my US Army on the 29th Infantry Division.

The 29th was a National Guard division recruited from northern Virginia, Maryland, and southern Pennsylvania.  The division deployed to the European Theater of Operations and took part in the amphibious landing at Omaha Beach, bocage fighting in Normandy, siege warfare at Brest in Brittany, then urban fighting and battles of maneuver in Germany.

Bolt Action Escalation Campaign: Game Two

A German assault gun takes up it’s position next to the church.

By Kreighton Long

Survivors from the mornings spoiling attack march back into town under the watchful eyes of their fellow defenders. The spoiling attack succeeded in delaying the advance of the British paratroopers and more importantly, their vehicle support.

The German soldiers have a short time to rest and refit for they know the British are close behind them. Ammo pouches are restocked and a few bites of food are swallowed just in time for the officers and NCOs to rouse their men to their battle position.

The church, which is located in the center of town just as God and religion was the center of life when the town of Colline de L’église was built so many centuries ago, must be held. A German sniper in the church’s bell tower reports sighting British infantry nearing the town and the engine of a nearby assault gun roars to life.

Beginning a Soviet Horde in Bolt Action

By Troy A Hill

One of the joys and pitfalls of moving into a new area, and joining a new gaming group is that many of the local players in the new area already have their army builds done. When I lived in Southern California, there were a mix of players and armies. In my regular gaming group, no one was playing British, so I picked it up to compliment my US and my German Armies.

But, when I returned to North East Indiana in the States, and looked up the local crew, the most popular nation to play in the new local gaming group is… yep, British of one flavour or another.

What was I to do? Americans are the vanilla “easy mode” according to the Juggernauts. In my 15mm WWII wargaming days, I began with Americans and soon tired of them. Germans are definitely challenging. And with my grandmothers coming from lineages of Kaiser and Sigsbee surnames on one side, and Bechtel on the other side of the family, the German army seems like a good fit for me. So far, though, my interest in all things German seems limited to the DAK.

Well, when I played Warhammer Fantasy, I loved the horde armies of the goblins. Guess I should look at… The Soviets?

Ranging In – an artillery primer

By Robert Kelly

This article originally appeared in WWPD many years ago.  I thought it would be worth dusting it off and updating it for those who missed it the first time or are new to the game.

In  all you have to know about ranging in on a target is that you have to have guns available, an observer with eyes on the target and that you have to roll dice. In real life, it was a bit more complicated than that, but not much. Having served 18 years in the Royal Canadian Artillery I’ll explain how the Commonwealth artillery would have ranged in, but the same principles apply to other countries as well.

Museum of Danish Resistance – Copenhagen

By Robert Kelly

I have been going to Copenhagen for years now and always wanted to visit this museum. Unfortunately, it burned to the ground a few years back, so I had to wait for it to be rebuilt.  Then it was closed due to Covid-19, but fortunately, it had re-opened when I found myself in Copenhagen for a couple of days in September of this year. Much like an iceberg, most of the museum is built underground with the exception of the entrance and the canteen.  This was intentional they told me and I think the effect is striking. To me, it looks like the conning tower of a submarine.

It is set up very similar to the Occupation Museum in Aarhus, which I described in my previous article. Instead of getting a coded set of “papers” you receive a receiver to allow you to listen to the interactive displays.