ETC 2023 – NoDiceNoGlory and Team Italy went to the biggest FOW tournament of the year!

Dear HQ, are you seriously asking to kill an Elephant with an Elefantino gun? Yours, Italian at front without an 88. 

By Paolo Paglianti

Oops, we did it again! NoDiceNoGlory took part in the most important Flames of War event of the world, as we did in 2022. Each year, the European Team Championship is the moment where the most passionate and strong FOW players meet with their national teams. No easy battle, as here you find the best of the best – and not only from Europe, as New Zealand and US Teams also join the party. An amazing long weekend where I met tons of wonderful people with the same passion for wargames and lots of fun.


By Jim Naughton


EG BMP-1P in Prince William County, VA, USA

Nordic Forces had a pequena sorpressa [little surprise] when I first read it. The first faction in the book is the Finns, and after shaking my head about a Finnish 1985 tank with KONTAKT-1 ERA I found the ‘Finnish’ version of the BMP-1. No missile, but upgradeable to the 9K111 Fagot (gotta love Soviet names; it means BASSOON) or in Western parlance, AT-4 SPIGOT. The picture was spot on. BMP-1P.

Painting Sidewalk Terrain Casts

By Kreighton Long

In my previous article, I described my first foray into mold making.  In this article, I’ll share how I took the cured casts and painted them to look like generic cobblestone sidewalks.  I spent some time looking at different cobblestone sidewalks on Google Images to try to find out how to paint mine.  In the end, I decided to go with a basic grey color as a safe neutral to fit most settings.

A Trip to Lancaster – HMGS Historicon 2023

By Tom “Chairborne” Mullane

HMGS’s flagship convention, Historicon got underway this past week at the Lancaster County Convention Center and a number of No Dice No Glory writers and gamers were in attendance. Mitch Reed, Tom “Chairborne” Mullane, Matt Varnish, Scott Roach, Glenn Van Meter, and a whole host of other friends, podcasters, game designers, and friendly folks made the trip and had a blast.

Read on to get a peak at all the great games and goings on from the NDNG crew.

Saigon 75, it is Nuts! Publishing

By Mitche Reed

I hate to reveal my age, but I remember the US withdrawal from South Vietnam in 1975, I remember thinking as they pushed helicopters off the sides of US warships “Won’t they need those?”

Gaming the fall of the South is something that has always interested me; I have played Volko Ruhnke’s Fire in the Lake, Fall of Saigon expansion, but that is a COIN game and I wanted to play just the military aspect of the final act of the Vietnam Conflict. Luckily the designers from Nuts! Publishing has released Saigon 75 a game that covers the topic.


Is this the perfect game? KOW V3.5

An army of squirrelkin from the Michigan GT Kings of War 2022 tournament
Jon Carter’s squirrelkin army for Michigan GT

by Troy Hill

I’ve been looking for a great game outside of the historical tabletop genre. One that will take me back to my fantasy gaming roots. And I might have found THE ONE.

No, not the one from the behemoth company out of Nottingham. The one from that other, upstart company out of Nottingham.

Levelling Up: My First Connections Wargaming Conference

By Caroline Gilmore

Walking through halls with painted murals of America’s biggest historical moments and portraits of George Kennan and President Barack Obama, it felt as if I was stepping into a new world. Well, perhaps not a new world, but definitely a new part of my world. It was June 22nd, the start of my first time attending a Connections Wargaming Conference at the National Defense University.

List building with Finns in Team Yankee

By Tom Gall

With the new Nordic Forces book added to Team Yankee, let’s look at a number of list-building ideas focusing on the Finns. When I first got into Team Yankee I painted a good number of my tank and BMP assets in Finnish camo schemes as I figured it would only be a matter of time and there would be a book where I could make use of the hardware.

In this article, we’re going to build a number of formations using primarily the Finns and hopefully give you some ideas on how you might want to build your own forces. It is a little hard to write as there is an embargo for a few more weeks involving the points for the individual units but we’ll make due!