Retrospective of Sid Meier’s Pirates!

By Patrick S. Baker

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate’s life for me

We pillage, we plunder, we rifle, and loot

Drink up, me ‘earties, yo ho

We kidnap and ravage and don’t give a hoot

Drink up me ‘earties, yo ho

–From Yo Ho (A Pirate’s Life for Me), by George Bruns

In 1982 Sid Meier and Bill Stealey founded MicroProse and by 1986 the video game company was highly successful by largely focusing on military and vehicle simulations such as Chopper Rescue, Spitfire Ace, and Silent Service. But Meier, MicroProse’s chief designer and programmer, had grown bored with the hyper-realistic games and wanted to do something different.

In a meeting with Arnold Hendricks, a MicroProse programmer, Meier heard the pitch for a pirate game. The game was pitched as an “Age of Sail” ship-to-ship combat game, much like Avalon Hill’s Clear for Action. Meier liked the idea but wanted it to be an open-world adventure game, not just a combat simulation. Meier later wrote: “Pirates didn’t spend all day fighting one another. Pirates had adventures.”

Retrospective of Kingmaker, the Games

By Patrick S. Baker

“Peace, impudent and shameless Warwick, peace, Proud setter up and puller down of kings!” – William Shakespeare – Henry VI, Part III, Act III, Scene 3.

Besides being a great background for some of Shakespeare’s best plays, the Wars of the Roses make a fantastic setting for a great game: Kingmaker. Developed by Andrew McNeil and released in the United Kingdom in the fall of 1974 by Ariel Productions Ltd, a division of Philmar, Ltd. The front page of the rule book read in part: “

…. The game takes as its basis the concept that the dynastic struggle between the royal houses of Lancaster and York (called the Wars of the Roses) was, in reality, a series of brutal and bloody power struggles between factions of self-interested noble families, with the Yorkist and Lancastrian princes the pawns in a greater game of gaining control of the country in the name of one or the other monarch. Players control pieces representing the noble families as they seek power by a combination of military, political and diplomatic skills.”

Master of Orion Series Retrospective (Part Three)

By Patrick S. Baker

Master of Orion III

Part 1 here

Part 2 here

During the six years between the release of Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares and the release of Master of Orion III, the PC gaming world proved to be something of a Hobbesian trap for game developers and publishers, that is to say: “…. poor, nasty, brutish, and short.”

In 1993, MicroProse Software had merged with Spectrum HoloByte, to form MicroProse, Inc.. This merger was called “a great marriage” because “Spectrum Holobyte had a lot of cash and very few products, while Microprose had a lot of products and no cash.”

Master of Orion Series Retrospective (Part Two)

By Patrick S. Baker

Part one here

In 1993, MicroProse published two huge hits: Civilization and Master of Orion. The company soon pushed forward on sequels for both. Simtex, after developing the first Master of Orion, produced a port of the Avalon Hill railroad and robber baron game board game, 1830, which was published by Avalon Hill.

Then they developed Master of Magic, a 4X fantasy game that was published by MicroProse. Shortly after the release of Master of Magic, MicroProse procured Simtex, renamed it MicroProse Texas, and made it an internal develop division. This made the sequel technically an in-house MicroProse production, although the Simtex logo still appeared briefly at the start of the game.

Originally titled Master of Antares the game was quickly retitled Master of Orion 2: Battle at Antares (sometimes MoO2:BaT, or MoO2 or BaT). Steve Barcia and Ken Burd, still at Simtex, returned as part of the development team for the sequel. Meanwhile, MicroProse was still the publisher and partnered with MacSoft for the Macintosh version.

Master of Orion Series Retrospective (Part One)

By Patrick S. Baker

The early 1990s saw the release of many of the seminal games of what would soon be called the 4X (for eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate) PC game genre. Games like Armada 2525, Civilization, and the subject of this article, Master of Orion (MoO) were published some 30 years ago and still influence the genre today.

In fact, reviewer Alan Emrich named the game type “XXXX” in a 1993 preview of Master of Orion for Computer Gaming World (CGW). A year later Martin E. Cirulis in the same magazine shortened the term to “the four Xs” this later became “4X”. While MoO was not the first 4X game, that honor goes to Reach of the Stars released in 1983.

Still, it was Master of Orion  that “would define 4X gaming for years.”

X-COM Franchise Retrospective (Part Six)

By Patrick S. Baker

 Part Four, 

War of the Chosen

War of the Chosen was a Downloadable Content (DLC) expansion pack for XCOM 2 released August 2017 for Windows, MacOS and Linux. Chosen follows the same narrative as XCOM 2, but introduces a number of new elements to the game.

Chosen introduced three new enemy aliens called The Chosen, which were elite alien-human hybrid warriors: the Assassin, the Hunter and the Warlock. The Chosen had the mission to defeat XCOM and recapture the Commander.

The Chosen gained new abilities over time, and eventually work up to launching a direct attack on the Avenger. The Chosen would sporadically reappear during missions even after being defeated. They were only permanently killed when their base was destroyed.

Reach For the Stars Retrospective

By Patrick S. Baker

The designation “4X” (standing for “eXplore, eXpand, eXploit and eXterminate”) originated in the Computer Gaming World 1993 preview of Master of Orion by Alan Emrich. In a play-on-words, Emrich rated the game as “XXXX”, referencing the “XXX” rating for pornography. Over time the phrase mutated into “4X” and has been adopted and adapted into a game genre description.

A strategy game must have the following gameplay tenets to be a 4X game.

Explore: the player dispatches reconnaissance units to discover surrounding areas.

Expand: the player lays claim to newly reconnoitered areas by colonizing them, or by otherwise extending their influence into the newly discovered territory.

Exploit: the player collects and utilizes various resources in areas they control, and also upgrades the usage and collection methods of those resources.

Exterminate: the player attacks and conquers, or eliminates, their opponents.